尼日利亚当地经济.支付.网络.供电.交通等基建都比较落后,虽然各方面都在缓慢增长,但当地人对高额的刚需产品仍望而却步. 其他非洲国家也有同样的问题. 同理国内,一些低收入人群都想买房,但房价动辄几十.上百万,一般家庭很难一次性付清. 很多供应商想打开非洲市场,无奈也是困于上述现状只能望洋兴叹. 前面多篇文章提到PAYGo方案(也有写作PAYG,其实都是“Pay As You Go”的简写),可能很多读者都有疑惑,这里简单介绍一下. PAYGo方案可以通俗的理解为国内所使用分期.租用的模式,比
affrike 英文单词,含义是非洲,非洲大陆. 中文名:非洲 外文名:affrike 目录 释义 affrike noun名词 非洲,也用做africa 1.Word Origin and History for africa,English word was Affrike. [1] 2.Affrike, p.337 - (Africa) "Whenever Chaucer mentions Africa, he is refering to the northern coast of th
Africa (n.) Latin Africa (terra) "African land, Libya, the Carthaginian territory, the province of Africa; Africa as a continent," fem. of adjective Africus, from Afer "an African," a word of uncertain origin. The Latin word originally
affrike 英文单词,含义是非洲,非洲大陆. 中文名:非洲 外文名:affrike 目录 释义 affrike noun名词 非洲,也用做africa 1.Word Origin and History for africa,English word was Affrike. [1] 2.Affrike, p.337 - (Africa) "Whenever Chaucer mentions Africa, he is refering to the northern coast of th