Introduction Why an article on "colors"? It's the same question I asked myself before writing this series. The fact is, in .NET, there are only two color formats that can be used: the RGB color model and the HSB color model. Those two are encaps
目前计算机中用得最广泛的字符集及其编码,是由美国国家标准局(ANSI)制定的ASCII码(American Standard Code for Information Interchange,美国标准信息交换码),它已被国际标准化组织(ISO)定为国际标准,称为ISO 646标准.适用于所有拉丁文字字母,ASCII码有7位码和8位码两种形式.因为1位二进制数可以表示(21=)2种状态:0.1:而2位二进制数可以表示(22)=4种状态:依次类推,7位二进制数可以表示(27=
w通过元素背景色定位元素,改变其属性. style="background-color: #FF6600" <script> var w = document.querySelectorAll("td"); console.log(w); for (var wi = 0, wl = w.length; wi < wl; wi++) { var wattr = w[wi].style.backgroundColor console.log(wattr