Harmony OS Vs Android Comparison It isn’t based on Linux kernel The key difference between HarmonyOS and Android is that it does not include Linux at its heart. For his future operating system, Huawei has created a completely new microkernel. Richard
8月9日,华为消费者业务在其全球开发者大会上正式发布其全新的基于微内核的面向全场景的分布式操作系统——鸿蒙OS(HarmonyOS)! 鸿蒙的定义是基于微内核的全场景分布式操作系统.其中,微内核是技术路径.全场景是使用环境.分布式是实现手段.操作系统是最终的完成形式. 抛开技术上各种细枝末节的问题不说,鸿蒙系统设计的最终目的就是当前整个科技行业都在准备和布局的方向——AIoT. Artificial Intelligence & Internet of Things. 所以从某种意义上来说,鸿蒙