#include<cstdio> int f1(int a,int b) //最大公约数 { ) return b; else return f1(b,a%b); } int f2(int a,int b) //最小公倍数 { int g; g=a*b/f1(a,b); return g; } int main() { int t,i; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { int a,b; scanf("%d%d",&
package wac.wev.as;//新建一个方法在求最大值import java.util.Scanner; public class MaxLian {public static void main(String[] args){//键盘录入以及导包Scanner sc= new Scanner(System.in);//数据接收System.out.println("请输入第一个数据:");int a = sc.nextInt();System.out.println(&qu
Problem Description Some days ago, I learned the concept of LCM (least common multiple). I've played with it for several times and I want to make a big number with it. But I also don't want to use many numbers, so I'll choose three positive integers
Console.WriteLine("请输入第一个数:"); int a = Convert.ToInt32( Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("请输入第二个数:"); int b = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("请输入第三个数:"); int c = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine(
[015-3 Sum(三个数的和)] [LeetCode-面试算法经典-Java实现][全部题目文件夹索引] 原题 Given an array S of n integers, are there elements a, b, c in S such that a + b + c = 0? Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero. Note: Elements in a triplet (a,b,c)
D. Black Hills golden jewels time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In Rapid City are located the main producers of the Black Hills gold jewelry, a very popular product among tour
(转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/buptgshengod) 题目介绍 在n个数中取第k大的数(基础篇),之所以叫基础篇是因为还有很多更高级的算法,这些以后再讨论.本文用两种最基本的方法来解决这个问题.使用java语言描述.例子是十个数中取第三大的. 算法一 用冒泡法将n个数从大到小排序,再取第k大. public class test { public static void main(String []args) {
最大最小公倍数 如题 话不多说,直接上代码 public class MaxCommonMultiple{ public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); long n = sc.nextLong(); System.out.println(getResult(n)); } public static long getResult(long n) { if(n<=2) { return n
Given an integer array, find three numbers whose product is maximum and output the maximum product. Example 1: Input: [1,2,3] Output: 6 Example 2: Input: [1,2,3,4] Output: 24 Note: The length of the given array will be in range [3,104] and all elem