C:\Users\root>adb install d:\rry_0514.apkerror: more than one device and emulator- waiting for device -error: protocol fault (status read) # Kill and restart $ adb kill-server $ adb start-server daemon not running. starting it now *
php的配置文件中有一行--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql ,安装的时候提示:configure: error: Cannot find MySQL header files under yes.Note that the MySQL client library is not bundled anymore. 这是由于安装mysql时没有安装mysql头文件,或者是路径指定不正确,php找不到mysql的头文件引起的错误提示. 解决方法.1. 查看你的系统有没有安装my
安装时提示错误,Your 64-bit Linux host is missing the 32-bit libraries requied to install and use Sourcery CodeBench 这时需要安装32位模拟器 sudo apt-get install ia32-libs 继续安装codesourcery(在运行之前需把arm-2013.11-xxx.bin添加运行属性,用命令 chmod +x arm-2013.11-xxx.bin ,这样它的名字变成绿色的了)