.net core 设置读取JSON配置文件 appsettings.json Startup.cs 中 public class Startup { public Startup(IHostingEnvironment env) { Configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(env.ContentRootPath) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, r
上一章介绍了配置的多种数据源被注册.加载和获取的过程,本节看一下这个过程系统是如何实现的.(ASP.NET Core 系列目录) 一.数据源的注册 在上一节介绍的数据源设置中,appsettings.json.命令行.环境变量三种方式是被系统自动加载的,这是因为系统在webHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)中已经为这三种数据源进了注册,那么就从这个方法说起.这个方法中同样调用了ConfigureAppConfiguration方法,代码如下: public stati
来源: Using multiple instances of strongly-typed settings with named options in .NET Core 2.x 作者: Andrew Lock 译者: Lamond Lu .NET Core从1.0版本开始,就已经开始使用Options模式绑定强类型配置对象.从那时起到现在,这个特性已经获得了更多的功能.例如在.NET Core 1.1中引入的IOptionsSnapshot类.使用这个类的好处是,当你的配置文件(例如: a
问: ASP.NET CORE MVC 如何在Filter中使用依赖注入来读取AppSettings 答: Dependency injection is possible in filters as well. Here is a simple way to get connection string public class EBisUserAuthResourceFilter : Attribute, IResourceFilter { private readonly string co
问: .Net Core: Application startup exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The configuration file 'appsettings.json' was not found and is not optional. 答: 问题代码: public Startup() { var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder().AddJsonFile("AppSetting.