首先, 你在一台服务器上面配置好NFS 服务器:然后按照一下步骤: mounting the nfs on windows server 2008 r2: open Windows Server 的Dos window(not powershell),typing:servermanagercmd.exe -install FS-NFS-Services to ensure that the disk map still exists after the system is restarted:
对于Appro DM8127 IPNC,默认的启动方式是NAND is used for booting kernel and NAND is used as root filesystem 为了调试应用程序方便,通常使用挂载NFS作为 root filesystem 但是如果直接采用ti文档中所给的方法修改文件系统挂载方式(将启动方式变为NAND is used for booting kernel and NFS is used as root filesystem),即 setenv bo
输入mount -t nfs /mnt,这时可能会出现 mount.nfs:access denied by server while mounting,这时候可以重新配置一下/etc/exports,将192.168.1.*替换为*,当然我替换后也没能好使,不过重启系统后好使了,大家都可以尝试一下.挂载成功后,在/mnt下就会有/home/work下的文件了,如果要卸载,输入umount /mnt,这时可能会出现:device is busy