Spinner控件详解 效果图 修改Spinner样式 在介绍之前,先看一下系统原生的样式 6.x & 5.x系统样式 4.x系统样式 官方文档 XML属性 方法 描述 android:dropDownHorizontalOffset setDropDownHorizontalOffset(int) Amount of pixels by which the drop down should be offset horizontally. android:dropDownSelector Lis
关于listview和button都要改变android原来控件的背景,在网上查找了一些资料不是很全,所以现在总结一下android的selector的用法.首先android的selector是在drawable/xxx.xml中配置的.先看一下listview中的状态:把下面的XML文件保存成你自己命名的.xml文件(比如list_item_bg.xml),在系统使用时根据ListView中的列表项的状态来使用相应的背景图片.drawable/list_item_bg.xml <?xml v
As the title of the post suggest in this tutorial we will see how to have spinner widget inside the toolbar in the previous series of tutorial we have seen many example on how to set up the android spinner widget and also we have seen how to have and
上代码: spinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.spinner); tv = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.tv); final ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add("不知道"); list.add("A"); list.add("B"); list.add("AB")