注解的概念 注解的官方定义 首先看看官方对注解的描述: An annotation is a form of metadata, that can be added to Java source code. Classes, methods, variables, parameters and packages may be annotated. Annotations have no direct effect on the operation of the code they annotat
原文地址:https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/04/spring-enable-annotation-writing-a-custom-enable-annotation.html Spring provides a range of annotations with names starting with Enable*, these annotations in essence enable certain Spring managed features t
1.函数调用的四种方式 第三种:构造函数调用 如果构造函数调用在圆括号内包含一组实参列表,先计算这些实参表达式,然后传入函数内.这和函数调用和方法调用是一致的.但如果构造函数没有形参,JavaScript构造函数调用的语法是允许省略实参列表和圆括号的. 如: var o=new Object(); //->等价于 var o=new Object; 第四种:使用call()与apply()间接调用(放在后面详细说明) 2.函数的实参与形参——可选形参 先看一个例子: function g
原文地址:http://hannesdorfmann.com/annotation-processing/annotationprocessing101 In this blog entry I would like to explain how to write an annotation processor. So here is my tutorial. First, I am going to explain to you what annotation processing is, w