12.2 You are given the source to an application which crashes when it is run. After running it ten times in a debugger, you find it never crashes in the same place. The application is single threaded, and uses only the C standard library. What progra
之前在机子装了个很早版本的MinGW,苦于不支持c++11,所以打算卸载掉安装个新版本的.可是网上找了很多版本装好后,编译成功,运行的时候总是弹出 *.exe has stopped working的错误,试了好几个都不行,很苦恼,最后终于找到了一个64位的MinGW,我装的是4.8.1版本的,亲测能用,下载请点击这里.
In Android, the system guards against applications that are insufficiently responsive for a period of time by displaying a dialog that says your app has stopped responding, such as the dialog in Figure 1. At this point, your app has been unresponsive