1.如下为.dat文件中文件头的基本格式: MagicNumber Format StartingAddress PageNum Length [NewFormat] 下面是分别的解释: MagicNumber:1651. Format:a number from 1 to 4, indicating the format of the samples in the file. This number represents a data format: (1) - hexadecimal, (2
转自“http://e2e.ti.com/support/development_tools/code_composer_studio/f/81/t/168292” Here is the information on the header: The header information for data files uses the following syntax: MagicNumber Format StartingAddress PageNum Length MagicNumber:
借助JavaScript中的时间函数改变Html中Table边框的颜色 <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"> <title>霓虹灯效果的边框</title> <script language="javascript"> var i=0; var Co
背景 公司做Telegram开发,.net Framework项目,调用TLSharp作为框架进行开发. 开发需求是读取群里新到达的信息并进行过滤. 由此不可避免得要用到 TLSharp.Core.TelegramClient.GetHistoryAsync(TLAbsInputPeer peer, int offsetId = 0, int offsetDate = 0, int addOffset = 0, int limit = 100, int maxId = 0, int minId