如果ARDC提示ADB version mismatch,说明系统当前运行的adb server与client不匹配.此时如果在cmd.exe中运行adb devices命令则会出现类似如下的提示信息: List of devices attachedadb server version (31) doesn't match this client (39); killing...error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: cannot bi
1:环境是android studio 在AVD中启动显示,提示当前电脑为安装HAXM emulator: ERROR: x86 emulation currently requires hardware acceleration!Please ensure Intel HAXM is properly installed and usable.CPU acceleration status: HAX kernel module is not installed!2:在android studi
运行tomcat7w.exe tomcat7.exe ,提示 指定的服务未安装 unable to open the service 'tomcat7'(用的是绿色的Tomcat7) 解决方法: 打开命令行提示符窗口=> 进入Tomcat安装目录==> 进入bin目录下==> 输入:service.bat install 即可 直接到目录点击这个service.batt会不会也可以?经过验证:不可以
错误:运行tomcat6w.exe ,提示 指定的服务未安装 unable to open the service 'tomcat6'(我用的是官网下载的解压版) 解决方法: 打开命令行提示符窗口=> 进入Tomcat安装目录==> 进入bin目录下==> 输入:service.bat install 即可 安装成功: 注意:在执行上面的步骤时可能会出现:tomcat.exe未找到.The CATALINA_HOME environment variable is not defined