在.NET Framework4.5框架.C#5.0语法中,通过async和await两个关键字,引入了一种新的基于任务的异步编程模型(TAP).在这种方式下,可以通过类似同步方式编写异步代码,极大简化了异步编程模型. 用法: public async Task<int> GetDotNetCountAsync() { // Suspends GetDotNetCount() to allow the caller (the web server) // to accept another r
博文 Don't Block on Async Code What is the purpose of "return await" in C#? Any difference between "await Task.Run(); return;" and "return Task.Run()"? Notifications are not always received #296 @ module-zero Async and Await AS
博文 Don't Block on Async Code What is the purpose of "return await" in C#? Any difference between "await Task.Run(); return;" and "return Task.Run()"? Notifications are not always received #296 @ module-zero Async and Await AS
最近在改老项目时,干了一件自以为很有成就感的事,心想 “项目都是同步方法,为啥不用异步方法呢?”,于是有了异步方法,类型下面的代码(当然是举例子说明啊) //更新某人名下公司名称 public Task<bool> UpdateUser(string id,string companyName) { var usrInfo=Db.GetUsrInfo(id); var flag= await Db.UpdateCompanyNameAsync(usrInfo.companyId,company
[ASP.NET MVC] ASP.NET Identity登入技术应用 情景 ASP.NET Identity是微软所贡献的开源项目,用来提供ASP.NET的验证.授权等等机制.在ASP.NET Identity里除了提供最基础的:用户注册.密码重设.密码验证等等基础功能之外,也提供了进阶的:Cookie登入.Facebook登入.Google登入等等进阶功能.套用这些功能模块,让开发人员可以快速的在ASP.NET站台上,提供验证.授权等等机制. 但是在企业中,开发人员常常会遇到一种开发情景就