api20180803.vue emitted value instead of an instance of error the scope attribute for scoped slots have been deprecated and replaced by “slot scope” since 2.5. the new “slot scope” attribute can also be used on plain elements in addition to <template
1. 什么是babel 本文基于的babel版本是7.11.6,本文所有示例github Babel is a toolchain that is mainly used to convert ECMAScript 2015+ code into a backwards compatible version of JavaScript in current and older browsers or environments. Babel是一个工具链,主要用于将ECMAScript 2015+代
作者 Jason Orendorff github主页 https://github.com/jorendorff 现在,我们将向你分步展示如何做到的这一切.上面提及的工具被称为转译器,你可以将它理解为源代码到源代码的编译器——一个在可比较的抽象层上操作不同编程语言相互转换的编译器.转译器允许我们用ES6编写代码,同时保证这些代码能在每一个浏览器中执行. 转译技术拯救了我们 转译器使用起来非常简单,只需两步即可描述它所做的事情: 用ES6的语法编写代码. let q = 99; let my