批量安装: SET dir=%~dp0echo dir is: %dir%cd /d %dir%for /R %dir% %%i in (*.apk) do adb install %%i 批量卸载: SET dir=%~dp0echo dir is: %dir%cd /d %dir%for /R %dir% %%i in (*.apk) do adb uninstall %%~ni 添加一张测试图片:
bat批量去除文件首行 set n=1 :starline for %%j in (*.txt) do ( :3 if exist D:\work\test\new_%n%.txt (set /a n+=1&goto 3) set file=%n%.txt for /f "skip=1 delims=" %%i in ('type "%file%"') do ( echo %%i >>D:\work\test\new_%n%.txt ) set
今天我们来熟悉测试环境: 1. 下载server代码,并运行 git clone https://github.com/SecurityCompass/LabServer.git 2. 这个server是apk客户端的服务器端,运行: To run the HTTP server on port 8080 python app.py To run the HTTPS server on port 8443 python app.py --ssl --port 8443 3. 打开Android虚