偶尔的机会,知道这么个扩展,手贱翻了下文档,发现似乎挺有意思,遂记录一二. what: 这是一个python版本的jquery,而且是后端执行的,至少官方是这么说的: pyquery allows you to make jquery queries on xml documents. The API is as much as possible the similar to jquery. pyquery uses lxml for fast xml and html manipulation
#! /usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 from pyquery import PyQuery c=PyQuery('http://news.dbanotes.net/') titles=c.find('.title') for t in titles: title=c(t).find('a') t1=title('a').text() h1=title('a').attr('href') if t1!=None: print t1,'\n\t',h1
pyquery – PyQuery complete API 选择器基本支持jQuery用法 class pyquery.pyquery.PyQuery(*args, **kwargs) The main class class Fn Hook for defining custom function (like the jQuery.fn): >>> fn = lambda: this.map(lambda i, el: PyQuery(this).outerHtml()) >&