BERT ***** New May 31st, 2019: Whole Word Masking Models ***** This is a release of several new models which were the result of an improvement the pre-processing code. In the original pre-processing code, we ra
BERT模型的OneFlow实现 模型概述 BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)是NLP领域的一种预训练模型.本案例中,基于论文BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding实现了BERT模型的OneFlow版本. 模型架构 BERT 在实际应用中往往分为两步: 首先,预训练得到 BERT 语言模型
A review of applications in federated learning Authors Li Li, Yuxi Fan, Mike Tse, Kuo-Yi Lin Keywords Federated learning; Literature review; Citation analysis; Research front Abstract FL是一种协作地分散式隐私保护技术,它的目标是克服数据孤岛与数据隐私的挑战.本研究旨在回顾目前在工业工程中的应用,以指导未来的落地应
注:本文内容来自: 翻译水平有限,如有疏漏,欢迎批评指教. 译:山人 创建可穿戴设备应用 Creating Wearable Apps Wearable apps run directly on the device, giving you access to hardware such as sensors and the GPU. They are fundamen