如何在ASP.NET Web站点中统一页面布局[Creating a Consistent Layout in ASP.NET Web Pages(Razor) Sites] 一.布局页面介绍[About Layout Pages] 很多网站有些内容需要显示在各个页面中,比如Header,Footer或者告诉用户已经登录的部分.ASP.NET允许你创建一个单独的文件来包含文本.标签和代码的内容块,从而搭建一个风格整齐的网站.接下来你就可以将这个内容块插入到任何你想要让它展示的页面中.采用这种方法
DockPanel The nice thing about dock panels is they already fill all the available space. LastChildFill is true by default (but I set it below for clarity), so just don't set the DockPanel attribute on the last child, and it will fill the available sp