*6.20(计算一个字符串中字母的个数)编写一个方法,使用下面的方法头计算字符串中的字母个数: public static int countLetters(String s) 编写一个测试程序,提示用户输入字符串,然后显示字符串中的字母个数. *6.20(Count the letters in a string) Write a method that counts the number of letters in a string using the following header: p
面试时会经常考这样的题目,估计也不让使用正则表达式.还好这个算法还算简单,不过在草稿纸上写难免会出现运行异常,好吧,面试官赢了,乃们屌丝就实实在在的把代码码出来吧. 谢谢“心扉”对我代码bug的纠正,现已想到更简便的方法,思路就是从被匹配字符串a中一个一个往后推,截取b字符串长度的字符串: public class CountHit { public static void main(String[] args) { String a = "123456abcde6a6abc6ab";
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- #取一个字符串中最多出现次数的词 import re from collections import Counter my_str = """ Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Sp