using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; namespace Demo0004 { public partial class
缘由 一切实现来源于需求,目的在于不盲目造轮子,有小伙伴儿在看了<玩转控件:对Dev中GridControl控件的封装和扩展>文章后,私信作者说,因公司业务逻辑比较复杂,展示字段比较多,尤其网格列表控件展示数据太多时候,很多关键列信息不同用户要求展示效果不同,问我有没有好点的处理方式来满足不同客户的需求. 看到这里作者还是比较暗自窃喜的,毕竟自己造的轮子不止作者一个人在用,而且还能收获客户的实际需求来完善轮子.当然客户需求存在即合理.毕竟There are a thousand Hamlets
Realtime Updates for Payments are an essential method by which you are informed of changes to orders made through Facebook Payments within your app. Facebook has built Realtime Updates for Payments with a focus on reliability, allowing your app to de