原文 如何使用ITEXTSHARP将HTML代码字符串写进PDF itextsharp包括一个简单的类,可以用来根据html代码或字符串创建pdf文件.使用此类,你可以使用短短几行代码,就将 HTML 文档生成一个 PDF 文件.可供下载的演示包含名为 Receipt.htm,其中位于 ~/HTMLTemplate 文件夹中的 HTML 模板文件.此 HTML 文件包含以下标记 (注意-为简洁起见被移除了一些标记). <h1 style="font-weight: bold"&
将DELPHI数据库连接写进INI配置文件中 procedure TDM.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject); var piececonfg:Tinifile; pathconfgstr,Providerstr,UserIDstr, Passwordstr,DataSourceStr,DatabaseNamestr :string; begin pathconfgstr:= ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); if path
刚进公司的training, 下面是要求: Requirements Write a java program to read system.xlsx Use POI API to parse all contents in the excel Write all contents to an output file The file should in XML format(optional) The program can start with a bat command(optional)
We are to write the letters of a given string S, from left to right into lines. Each line has maximum width 100 units, and if writing a letter would cause the width of the line to exceed 100 units, it is written on the next line. We are given an arra