/** 题目:Confusing Date Format UVALive 7711 链接:https://vjudge.net/contest/174844#problem/A 题意:给定mm-mm-mm格式的时间.年份(1900-1999)只给了后两位数,问有多少种合法的排列使时间正确. 思路: 第一次:快速读题,题意不清,没注意到这句话, To punish teams who did not read this problem statement carefully, we’ll add
题目:809??=800*?+9*?+1其中?代表的两位数,8*?的结果为两位数,9*?的结果为3位数.求?代表的两位数,及809??后的结果 注意:一定要看清楚题目哦,809??代表的是结果,?代表两位数 a = 809 for i in range(10,100): b = a * i + 1 if b>=8090 and b<80900 and (8*i)<100 and (9*i)>99: #两种方式都可以 # if b>=1000 and b<=10000 a
include "stdafx.h" #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include <algorithm> #include<iomanip> #include<string> #include<numeric> #include<set> using namespace std; int toNum(int num, int i) { int sum = 0