//求出4×4矩阵中最大和最小元素值及其所在行下标和列下标,求出两条主对角线元素之和 #include <stdio.h> int main() { int sum=0; int max,min; int max1,max2;//记录最大值的坐标 int min1,min2;//记录最小值的坐标 int i,j; int a[4][4]; //为数组赋值 for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=0;j<4;j++) { scanf("%d",&
[抄题]: Given an array which consists of non-negative integers and an integer m, you can split the array into m non-empty continuous subarrays. Write an algorithm to minimize the largest sum among these m subarrays. Note:If n is the length of array, as