Strings can easily be written to and read from a file. Numbers take a bit more effort, since the read() method only returns strings, which will have to be passed to a function like int(), which takes a string like '123' and returns its numeric value
Using the $http service to make requests to remote servers. categories-model.js: angular.module('eggly.models.categories', [ ]) .service('CategoriesModel', function ($http, $q) { var CategoriesModel = {}, URLS = { FETCH: 'data/categories.json' }, cat
Coursera课程<Using Python to Access Web Data> 密歇根大学 Week6 JSON and the REST Architecture 13.5 JavaScript Object Notation(JSON) JSON是一种相比于XML更简单的格式,而且现在在互联网上非常普遍.XML是很强大,但是很多时候我们并不需要使用这么强大的格式,我们就能完成我们的任务. import json data = '''{ "name": "
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data 我在使用$.parseJSON解析后台返回的JSON的数据时,出现了这样的错误,我还以为返回的JSON格式出现了错误,因为JSON要求格式非常严格.最后发现JSON格式没有太明显的格式错误,我使用fastJSON来生成的JSON格式数据,原来是因为数据已经是一个JavaScript对象了,所以在进行解析就会出错了 我直接将这段数据al