注:本文来源于<oracle查询某张表的外键(最终解决办法)> 一:几个查询表外键的脚本 select b.table_name, b.column_name from user_constraints a inner join user_cons_columns b on a.constraint_name = b.constraint_name where a.r_constraint_name in ( select e.constraint_name from user_constra
有两张表:一张A表he一张B表 left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中联结字段相等的记录 :right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中联结字段相等的记录:inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中联结字段相等的行: 表A数据: 表B数据: 1.查询两张表中都有的记录: sql: SELECT a.* FROM a INNER JOIN b ON a.a_id = b.b_id; 2.查询表A中有,表B中没有的数据: sql: SELECT a.
/*查询某张表被哪些存储过程或者视图用到的sql语句*/select distinct object_name(id) from syscomments where id in (select id from sysobjects where type in('V','P')) and text like '%表名%'
项目中遇到一个问题, 有4张表, 然后相互之间有3张关系表关联, 一共七张表. 想要从顶层表查询最底层表的记录,不能写7层嵌套. 用Linq实现特别简单, 表:User,Role,Module,Function以及User_Role,Role_Module, Module_Function, var fs = (from r in DB.user_role from m in DB.role_module from f in DB.module_function where r.User_Re
MySql : 有N张表,N未知,每张表都有一个字段(id),每张表的字段结构不完全一样,如何查询所有表里面所有id的最大值?如下图所示: 对上面三张表进行操作的话,结果应该为:9 SQL语句: select greatest( (select max(id) from table_1), (select max(id) from table_2), (select max(id) from table_3) )
同一张表存在类似多级菜单的上下级关系的数据,查询出符合条件的某些数据的id拼接成一个字段返回: SELECT CONCAT(a.pid, ',', b.subid) AS studentIDS FROM (SELECT id as pid, sourceCode as scode FROM student WHERE studentType='父级条件1' AND studentCode='父级条件2') a LEFT JOIN (SELECT id as subid, parentCode p
表名:student 表结构及数据: +----+--------+---------+------+------------+--------------+---------+ | id | name | english | math | birthday | native_place | chinese | +----+--------+---------+------+------------+--------------+---------+ | 1 | 潘怡茹 |
#update 和 select在同一张表的时候会显示冲突 报错信息: [Err] 1093 - You can't specify target table 'tb_a' for update in FROM clause update tb_a set sex='boy' where uid =(select uid from tb_a where name ='cyq') #解决方式:嵌套多一个查询表 update tb_a set sex='boy' where uid =(selec
有时,我们需要对比两张表的数据,找到在其中一张表,不在另一张表中的数据 hql 如下: SELECT * FROM (SELECT id FROM a WHERE dt = '2019-03-17' ) a LEFT JOIN (SELECT id FROM b ) b ON a.id = b.id WHERE b.id IS NULL;
现在有一张表如下Id Name Age Classify Score1 张一 18 一班 122 张二 17 二班 19 3 张三 19 三班 30 我跟据他们的分数进行排名 再去新建一个列存储排序值 ->sql语句如下 select row_number() over(order by Score asc) as number,Id,Name,Age,Classify,Score from u_College order by Score;->产生的效果如下 number Id Name A
1.查询 var v = from s in db.Set<ScoreInfo>().ToList()group s by s.subject into scoreselect new{ sub = score.Key, avg = score.Average(s => s.score), max = score.Max(s => s.score), min = score.Min(s => s.score), sum = score.Sum(s => s.score)
转载:https://blog.csdn.net/qq13650793239/article/details/81142134 mysql数据库中information_schema 数据库存储了数据库很多信息,可以通过查询tables表来获得所需要的表相关信息. mysql> select table_name,table_rows from tables order by table_rows desc limit 10;+--------------------+------------
(user 为要更改数据的表 ,set后边需要更改的内容, where后加条件) update user a,user_copy b set a.manager_introduct=b.rwjs where a.funds_manager_id=b.fund_manager_id and resource='***'
select consumer_id,user_name,mobile,invite_code from csr_consumer where invite_count<(select count(1) from csr_invite_picture) select invite_picture_id,blank_file_store_id,logo_file_store_id from csr_invite_picture t1 where t1.invite_picture_id not i