转载 混音: Mix的意思是混音,无论在自然界,还是在音频处理领域这都是非常普遍的现象.自然界里你能同时听到鸟鸣和水声,这是因为鸟鸣和水声的波形在空气中形成了叠加,耳朵听到后能区分鸟鸣和水声这两种波形.在数字音频领域也是一样,比如你也可以一边打CS一边听歌,这是因为计算机把两个声音波形做了叠加.但是不同的是,计算机中的叠加,很容易造成越界.比如 int plus1(int num0, int num1){
ffmpeg命令中可以使用filter amix实现这个功能. 官方文档 http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-filters.html 6.8 amix Mixes multiple audio inputs into a single output. Note that this filter only supports float samples (the amerge and pan audio filters support many formats). If the am
AudioServices Jump to: navigation, search AudioServices is a group of C functions in AudioToolbox for playing short (≤30 seconds) sounds. Predefined sounds There are some predefined system sounds, for the system sound ID in the range 1000 to 2000 (de