Windows Linux 之间rsync同步CODE文件 一.环境Windows:OS:Microsoft Windows Web Server 2008 SP1IP: Linux:OS:CentOS release 6.4 (Final)IP: 二. Windows 下安装服务端软件并配置1.cwRsyncServer(安装过程略),注意安装过程会创建一个启动服务的用户启动cwsyncservices.msc-找到RsyncServer
Java ssh 访问windows/Linux 工作中遇到的问题: Java code运行在一台机器上,需要远程到linux的机器同时执行多种命令.原来采用的方法是直接调用ssh命令或者调用plink的命令. google下java的其他ssh方法,发现有个包. 具体介绍如下: Ganymed SSH2 for Java is a library which implements the SSH-2 protocol in pure Java.It allows one to connect
我想把Windows Linux HackMacintosh三类系统融入到一台笔记本上的神经病应该不多. 我的电脑就一个SATA硬盘,BIOS还不是EFI的.一共同时安装了Windows 8.1.OpenSUSE 13.1.Kail 1.0.4(不常用).东皇黑苹果(因为当时从最新的10.9.3版本一直试下去都支持不了AMD,我的Acer是AMD核&AMD5640显卡,在交流群里都说不要折腾.而且电脑显卡被强制关机坏了两次,耗费400大洋). 我想以后就只装两个系统,Kail 和 Windows
IDA: What's new in 6.8 Highlights This is mainly a maintenance release, so our focus was on fixing bugs. However, there are some improvements too: Support for long names. In previous versions of IDA names were limited to 511 bytes. This was causing p
Step-by-step tutorial of how to download and install Terraform on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. Terraform is distributed as a binary package for all supported platforms and architectures and must first be installed on your machine. Check out the release
10分钟学会在windows/Linux下设置ASP.Net Core开发环境并部署应用 创建和开发ASP.NET Core应用可以有二种方式:最简单的方式是通过Visual Studio 2017 来创建,其优点是简单方便,但需要安装最新版本Visual Studio 2017 preview 15.3 .另一种方式是使用Visual Studio Code来创建,Visual Studio Code 则是一款轻量级的编辑器 ,可在多种操作系统中运行,如果情况允许,笔者更建议使用Visual