Canvas画布 The Canvas is the area that all UI elements should be inside. The Canvas is a Game Object with a Canvas component on it, and all UI elements must be children of such a Canvas.Canvas是一个应该包含所有UI元素的区域.画布是一个带有画布组件的游戏物体,并且所有的UI元素都应该是这个画布的子物体. Cre
之前的人皮渲染相关 前篇1:unity3d Human skin real time rendering 真实模拟人皮实时渲染 前篇2:unity3d Human skin real time rendering plus 真实模拟人皮实时渲染 plus篇 SSS:Unity3d shader之次表面散射(Subsurface Scattering) PBR:Unity3d 基于物理渲染Physically-Based Rendering之specular BRDF Screen-Space P
在unity里 相机空间 与 相机gameObject的局部空间 不重合. Camera.worldToCameraMatrix的文档中有这样一句话: Note that camera space matches OpenGL convention: camera's forward is the negative Z axis. This is different from Unity's convention, where forward is the positive Z axis. 意思
目录 Reflective Shadow Maps(RSM) RSM 的重要性采样 RSM 的应用与缺陷 Screen Space Ambient Occulsion(SSAO) SSAO Blur Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion(HBAO) SSAO 的应用与缺陷 Screen Space Directional Occlusion(SSDO) SSDO 的应用与缺陷 Screen Space Reflection(SSR)/Screen Space Ray T