INSERT INTO TTT (NSAME, ID, AGE) VALUES ('AAA', '201023210816', '22'); 将上面的SQL格式改成以下的格式 AAA|201023210816|22 import os lists=[] paths = os.getcwd() for root,dirs,files in os.walk('wfyh'): for fn in files: lists.append(fn) for nmb in lists: dfile=open(
1.如下为.dat文件中文件头的基本格式: MagicNumber Format StartingAddress PageNum Length [NewFormat] 下面是分别的解释: MagicNumber:1651. Format:a number from 1 to 4, indicating the format of the samples in the file. This number represents a data format: (1) - hexadecimal, (2
转自“” Here is the information on the header: The header information for data files uses the following syntax: MagicNumber Format StartingAddress PageNum Length MagicNumber: