linux安装tomcat后启动报错: Cannot find ./catalina.shThe file is absent or does not have execute permissionThis file is needed to run this program 原因:无权限 解决方法: 1. chmod +x /usr/tomcat7/bin/*.sh (亲测可用) 2. chmod 755 /usr/tomcat7/bin/*.sh 3. chmod 777 /usr/tomc
环境:CentOS release 6.8 (Final) # 直接编译python3.7在使用pip3安装依赖的时候报错: Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available. 解决方法: .编译安装OpenSSL 1.0.2j版本并重新配置环境变量 下载OpenSSL源码包: wget 解压缩,编译安装: t
把系统的python版本从默认的2切换到3后,使用pip3安装依赖报错,如下: Traceback (most recent call last): File , in <module> from pip import main ImportError: cannot import name 'main' 解决办法: 解决:pip文件在usr/bin目录下,cd进去,进行以下修改 把下面的三行 from pip import main if __name__ == '__main__': sy
安装QT5.4后,需要编译一个C++程序. Cmakelist 有find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED),cmake 报错如下: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:14 (find_package): By not providing "FindQt5Widgets.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configu
启动docker $ sudo systemctl start docker 报错. 查看状态: $ systemctl status docker.service -l 加 -l 有的行信息很长,打印的时候会省略,加此参数则全部显示. 报错信息: Error starting daemon: SELinux is not supported with the overlay2 graph driver on this kernel. Either boot into a newer
[root@redhat7 demo]# rails server/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/bundler-1.16.0.pre.2/lib/bundler/runtime.rb:86:in `rescue in block (2 levels) in require': There was an error while trying to load the gem 'uglifier'. (Bundler::GemRequireError)Gem
下载: api-ms-win-crt-runtime就是MFC的运行时环境的库,python在windows上编译也是用微软的visual studio C++编译的,底层也会用到微软提供的C++库和runtime库,安装Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 组件即可解决此问题.
个人博客: 错误信息:/opt/libreoffice5.2/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory解决方式:yum install libgl1-mesa-glx
Heka 编译安装后 运行报错 panic: runtime error: cgo argument has Go pointer to Go pointer 解决办法: 1. Start hekad with the GODEBUG variable exported in its environment: export GODEBUG=cgocheck=0 2. 之后出现如下报错,找不到lua文件 2017/01/16 10:33:38 Decoder 'MemStats-MemStats