1. Based on linux2.6.32, only for mem(SDR) 2. 有兴趣请先参考阅读: 电源管理方案APM和ACPI比较.doc Linux系统的休眠与唤醒简介.doc 3. 本文先研究标准linux的休眠与唤醒,android对这部分的增改在另一篇文章中讨论 4. 基于手上的一个项目来讨论,这里只讨论共性的地方 虽然linux支持三种省电模式:standby.suspend to ram.suspend to disk,但是在使用电池供电的手持设备上,几乎所有的方案
Android休眠与唤醒驱动流程分析 标准Linux休眠过程: powermanagement notifiers are executed with PM_SUSPEND_PREPARE tasksare frozen targetsystem sleep state is announced to the platform-handling code devicesare suspended platform-specificglobal suspend preparation method
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/hanmengaidudu/article/details/11777501 标准linux休眠过程: l power management notifiers are executed with PM_SUSPEND_PREPARE l tasks are frozen l target system sleep state is announced to the platform-handling co