As others have pointed out, XFS filesystem cannot be shrunk. So your best bet is to backup /home, remove and recreate its volume in a smaller size and give the rest to your /root volume just as Koen van der Rijt outlined in his post. # df -h文件系统
原文:分享非常有用的Java程序 (关键代码)(四)---动态改变数组的大小 /** * Reallocates an array with a new size, and copies the contents * * of the old array to the new array. * * @param oldArray the old array, to be reallocated. * * @param newSize the new array size. * * @return
入坑pyqt也有半年了,由于人们对事物的审美,静态界面已经不能满足用户,而动画却给人眼前一亮,so,今天来学习pyqt的动画了 由于资料真的是太少,本人也是有啃外国佬的英文进行摸索学习,可能也是触及皮毛,以前全是我的学习笔记以及分析 基础知识就不在这里赘述了,这里直接上干货,下面是使用QPropertyAnimation一个对label大小进行改变的动画: 这里大致介绍一下QPropertyAnimation的方法 QPropertyAnimation methods The following