--查看不同用户的连接数 select TERMINAL from v$session where username='username' and machine='machine' ---查询用户会话select username,serial#, sid from v$session where sid='sid'; ---删除相关用户会话 alter system kill session 'serial#, sid ' 例如删除PCISV7_DEV用户下机器号为ISS4606020016
查看用户和默认表空间的关系select username,default_tablespace from dba_users;--查看当前用户能访问的表select * from user_tables; --Oracle查询用户表select * from user_all_tables; --Oracle查询用户视图select * from user_views;--查询所有函数和储存过程:select * from user_source;--查询所有用户:select * from a
1.查看所有用户:select * from dba_users; select * from all_users; select * from user_users; 2.查看用户或角色系统权限(直接赋值给用户或角色的系统权限):select * from dba_sys_privs; select * from user_sys_privs; (查看当前用户所拥有的权限) 3.查看角色(只能查看登陆用户拥有的角色)所包含的权限sql>select * from role_sys_
Linux 查看某个用户的进程 To view only the processes owned by a specific user, use the following command: top -U [USERNAME] and replace [USERNAME] with the name of the user.