先让我们看一下Chrome的popup是什么样的: 这个“直接搜索网页”与“在打开的标签页之间切换”就是两个功能导航,还做了一个动画效果,会不停的上下晃. 我通过WindowManager的addView也实现了一个类似的效果,如下图: 主要是通过PopupWindow添加一个的view实现的.这个View代码如下: public class PopupView extends RelativeLayout { public PopupView(Context context) { super(
报错: [root@zedu test]# mysqldump -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p --single-transaction --add-drop-database --tab="/root/test/" cacti Enter password: Warning: A partial dump from a server that has GTIDs will by default include the GTIDs of all transactions,
经过查询,此错误是Chrome扩展插件引起的.由于Chrome修改了API接口,原来的请求被拦截.(Chrome 73 onwards disallows cross-origin requests in content scripts. (Code in content scripts will now be subjected to the same CORS rules as the page they are running in)) 已知会引起这个问题的插件 1Password Pin