For example you have a server.js file, and you want to debug some problems; What you can do is: node --inspect-brk server.js Then go to chrome broswer: chrome://inspect You will find node.js target and you can use Chrome dev tool to do the debugging.
TO debug NestJS code with Chrome dev tool, we can run: node --inspect-brk dist/rest-api/src/main.js TO make it easier for us running this later, we can do: "start:debug": "tsc-watch -p --onSuccess \"node --inspect-b
Note : Apply for google chrome canary. You can fold code blocks in CSS (and Sass) and javascript files.This is useful for digesting large files. Code Folding can help with readability. Enable code folding Settings > Preferences > sources Command ctr
Using the New Device Emulation Interface The Device Emulation interface changed a bit with the newer version of Chrome Dev Tools. Here are the instructions for emulating the required device characteristics in the new UI: Select Edit from the Responsi
Since D3 outputs standard markup, you can use familiar dev tools and inspectors to debug your visualizations. In this lesson we’ll look at how to use Chrome Dev Tools to examine the data associated with your generated markup and experiment with style
转自: Installation Install Chrome Dev Editor on Chrome Open Chrome Dev Editor from the Chrome App Launcher or chrome://apps Git workflow Click on the Menu icon and select