Eureka 2.0 开源工作宣告停止,对于注册中心来说 Consul 是个更好的选择. 在本场 Chat 中你可以学到的: 了解和搭建 Consul 服务:Spring Cloud Consul 服务发现:Spring Coud Consul 配置管理和配置刷新:使用 Docker 搭建 Consul 集群:Consul 负载均衡:Spring Cloud Consul配置项整理.在本场 Chat 旨在帮助大家更加深入了解和使用 Consul.结合 Spring Cloud 完成微服务的注册发
1.简介 1.1 Consul is a tool for service discovery and configuration. Consul is distributed, highly available, and extremely scalable. Consul provides several key features: Service Discovery - Consul makes it simple for services to register themselves a