1.左连接使用DefaultIfEmpty(): 2.分组时候判断newper.FirstOrDefault() == null ? null: newper.ToList()这个经常出错误,如果不判断,会出现空引用的错误 class Program { class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } } class Pet { public string Name
1.左连接: var LeftJoin = from emp in ListOfEmployees join dept in ListOfDepartment on emp.DeptID equals dept.ID into JoinedEmpDept from dept in JoinedEmpDept.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { EmployeeName = emp.Name, DepartmentName = dept != null ? dept.Nam
left join(左关联).right join(右关联).inner join(自关联)的区别 用一张图说明三者的区别: 总结: left join(左联接) 返回包括左表中的所有记录和右表中关联字段相等的记录 right join(右联接) 返回包括右表中的所有记录和左表中关联字段相等的记录 inner join(等值连接) 只返回两个表中关联字段相等的行 举例如下: -------------------------------------------- 表A记录如下: aID aA
这是使用(+)的sql语句(已简写) select a.id,b.num from a,b where a.id=b.id(+) and b.num>10 这是使用left join的sql语句 select a.id,b.num from a left join b on(a.id=b.id and b.num>10) 两个sql的结果不一致,通过查找问题,更改使用+的sql select a.id,b.num from a,b where a.id=b.id(+) and b.num(+)
SQL: 外连接和内连接: 左连接或左外连接:包含左边的表的所有行,如果右边表中的某行没有匹配,该行内容为空(NULL) --outer jion:left join or left outer join select * from dbo.Project left join dbo.Voice on (dbo.Project.voiceID=dbo.Voice.ID) 右连接或右外连接:包含右边表的所有行,如果左边表中的某行没有匹配,该行内容为空(NULL) --outer jion:righ
一.分组 group 组内成员 by 分组条件 into 组的信息 class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] name = { "张三","张六","刘大","刘晓","刘大脑袋","王大锤"}; var result = from n in name group n by n[] into g select
var query1 = from r in _residentRepository.GetAll() join i in _inLogRepository.GetAll() on r.Id equals i.ResidentId into tmp_ir from ir in tmp_ir.DefaultIfEmpty() || r.Id == select new { resId = r.Id, Id = ir.Id }; var sum1 = query1.Count(); 结果:左连接 一
做了一个功能需要分组查询,同时查询A表分组查询的ID需要关联B表的数据,本来想两个表关联查询,但是报group by 语法不正确.所以做了以下修改. select count(*), cindexid,(select vindexcode from comindex where pk_index =cindexid) as vindexcode ,iquesttype from rqt_examquest where pk_examquest in ( select cexamquesti
需求: 分组联合查询,或者最新记录. 问题: mysql分组的时候默认会查询第一条记录,存在gourp by时 order by 无效. 一般解决办法就是 ,select * from ( select * from order by id) group by . 因为项目实际中 查询规则复杂,需要使用到 union 联合查询, 另外和关联查询,在 laravel4.2中 如果关联join 多条件时,在union 会出现 最后的结果集不正确.问题是出现在,laravel最后生成 where
Suppose you have a tblRoom and tblUserInfo. Now, you need to select all the rooms regardless of whether the room has user information or not. This calls for a LEFT JOIN which will select everything from the LEFT side (the room side) regardless of the
来源 https://www.cnblogs.com/xinjian/archive/2010/11/17/1879959.html 准备一些测试数据,如下: use Test Create table Student( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50) not null ) Create Table Book( ID int identity(1,1) primary key, [Name] nvarchar(50)no
在EF中,当在dbset使用join关联多表查询时,连接查询的表如果没有建立相应的外键关系时,EF生成的SQL语句是inner join(内联),对于inner join,有所了解的同学都知道,很多时候这并不是我们的本意,实例如下: var list = from o in context.CTMS_OD_ORDERS join d in context.CTMS_SUP_DOCTOR on o.OWNERDOCID equals d.USERID join e in context.CTMS_
EF使用linq进行多表查询是完全可以的,最后ToList()调用的时候回产生一条分页的sql语句,所以并不是全部查询再分页的.所以不会影响查询的性能 public void TestLinq() { var a = from m in DbContext.Set<T1>() join q in DbContext.Set<T2>() on m.ID equals q.ID select m; a.OrderBy(m=>m.Phone_User).Skip().Take().