SQL中的连接可以分为内连接,外连接,以及交叉连接 . 1. 交叉连接CROSS JOIN 如果不带WHERE条件子句,它将会返回被连接的两个表的笛卡尔积,返回结果的行数等于两个表行数的乘积: 举例,下列A.B.C 执行结果相同,但是效率不一样: A:SELECT * FROM table1 CROSS JOIN table2 B:SELECT * FROM table1,table2 C:select * from table1 a inner join table2 b A:select a
Linq中连接主要有组连接.内连接.左外连接.交叉连接四种.各个用法如下. 1. 组连接 组连接是与分组查询是一样的.即根据分组得到结果. 如下例,根据publisther分组得到结果. 使用组连接的查询语句如下: //使用组连接 var GroupQuery = from publisher in SampleData.Publishers join book in SampleData.Books on publisher equals book.Publisher into publish
最近在讲到T-SQL查询的Join部分时,一下子没有想起来CROSS JOIN的用法,因为其实平常也确实基本不用到.特意找了一个例子,以供参考 CROSS JOIN又称为笛卡尔乘积,实际上是把两个表乘起来.以下资料摘自:http://www.sqlguides.com/sql_cross_join.php SQL CROSS JOIN will return all records where each row from the first table is combined with each
SELECT <SELECT LIST> FROM <the table you want to be the "LEFT" table> <LEFT|RIGHT> [OUTER] JOIN <table you want to be the "RIGHT" table> ON <join condition> 可以看做JOIN之前的表是左表,之后的表是右表. 外部连接本质上是包含的.明确包含的记录取决于使
原文:CROSS JOIN 最近在讲到T-SQL查询的Join部分时,一下子没有想起来CROSS JOIN的用法,因为其实平常也确实基本不用到.特意找了一个例子,以供参考 CROSS JOIN又称为笛卡尔乘积,实际上是把两个表乘起来.以下资料摘自:http://www.sqlguides.com/sql_cross_join.php SQL CROSS JOIN will return all records where each row from the first table is comb
Set up the Workbook In this example, there are two tables -- Raw Materials and Packaging -- and each table is on a separate worksheet. The Raw Materials table is on the sheet named Materials, and the Packaging table is on the sheet named Packaging. T