最近在做一个项目的UI,需求是1.拖动items后当永远有一个item保存在中间位置,.点击当前item后当前item滑动到终点. 咱看了NGUI的Scroll View例子后发现第一个要求NGUI自带了,第二个要求没有,所以自己写了个包含这2个需求的脚本. 把相应的脚本替换成这几个就可以了.如果碰到变量保护之类的错误的话把父类中的方法改成protected就行了. using U
Understanding Scroll Views 深入理解 scroll view 读书笔记 It may be hard to believe, but a UIScrollView isn't much different than a standard UIView. Sure, the scroll view has a few more methods, but those methods are really just facades of existing UIView
<!DOCTYPE HTML><HTML> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>css两列布局,一边固定宽度,另一边自适应</title> </head> <style> a, body, center, cite, code, dd, del, div, dl, dt, e