sasa写的文件(包含解析文字) # coding=utf- from selenium import webdriver from time import sleep import keyword from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import WebDriverWait from import Se
1. get data from csv, skip header of the file. with open('test_data.csv','rb,) as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter= ',') headers = next(readCSV) for row in readCSV: distance_travelled.append(row[DISTANCE_COLUM_NO]) 2. get one colum of
USE LHJTest create table #temp6//创建临时表 ( A nvarchar(max) NOT NULL, B nvarchar(max), C nvarchar(max), D nvarchar(max),E nvarchar(max), F nvarchar(max),G nvarchar(max), H nvarchar(max),I nvarchar(max), J nvarchar(max),K nvarchar(max), L nvarchar(max)
dlgSave := TSaveDialog.Create(nil); dlgSave.filter := 'CSV文件|*.CSV'; dlgSave.DefaultExt := '*.CSV'; dlgSave.filename := '服务.CSV'; if dlgSave.Execute then begin if FileExists(dlgSave.filename) then try ) = IDYES then DeleteFile(PChar(dlgSave.filename)
读取csv文件: def readCsv(): rows=[] with file(r'E:\py\py01\Data\system.csv','rb') as f: reads=csv.reader(f) for i in reads: rows.append(i) print rows return rows写入csv文件: def writer(): with file(r'E:\py\py01\Data\system.csv','wb') as f: writer=csv.writer(