如题: datagrid中,见官方文档: formatter function The cell formatter function, take three parameter:value: the field value.rowData: the row record data.rowIndex: the row index. undefined 例子: {field:'id',title:'id',width:100,align:'center',formatter:function(va
Extend from $.fn.panel.defaults. Override defaults with $.fn.datagrid.defaults. The datagrid displays data in a tabular format and offers rich support to select, sort, group and edit data. The datagrid has been designed to reduce development time and
在我先前的基础上面添加批量删除功能.实现的效果如下 删除成功 通常情况下删除不应该真正删除,而是应该有一个标志flag,但flag=true表示状态可见,但flag=false表示状态不可见,为删除状态.便于日后数据库的维护和信息的查询.因此表结构添加一个flag字段 没有改变的代码这里就不写了,发生改变的代码贴出来 1.因为表结构发生变化.所以对应的Student.java和Student.hbm.xml发生改变 package com.model; public class Student