/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2010, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contri
)-- 表名 set @table_name='bqcform101' --============表结构 select 类别,表名or字段名,描述,字段类型,是否自增,允许为NULL,默认值 from ( column_id,tbs.name 表名or字段名,ds.value 描述, rn FROM sys.extended_properties ds LEFT JOIN sysobjects tbs ON ds.major_id=tbs.id and tbs.name=@table_name
原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/sushengmiyan/article/details/50360451 Generated and default property values 生成的和默认的属性值 The database sometimes generates a property value, usually when you insert a row for the first time. 数据库通常会在第一次插入一条数据的时候产生一个属性值. Examples
1.创建函数 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fk_url_format(url VARCHAR2,charset VARCHAR2 :='UTF-8')RETURN VARCHAR2 IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(charset); RETURN utl_url.escape(url,TRUE,charset); END;--使用DEFAULT也可以:CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fk_url_format(url V
---------增加是否发布订单 if not exists(select 1 from syscolumns where name='iIsRelease' and id=OBJECT_ID('MCYD')) begin ALTER TABLE MCYD ADD iIsRelease INTEGER DEFAULT 1; ENDGO UPDATE mcyd SET iIsRelease = 1 WHERE iIsRelease IS NULLGO declare @name varchar(
Generated and default property values 生成的和默认的属性值 The database sometimes generates a property value, usually when you insert a row for the first time. 数据库通常会在第一次插入一条数据的时候产生一个属性值. Examples of database-generated values are a creation timestamp, a defaul
关于threadPoolKey默认值的疑问 使用SpingCloud必然会用到Hystrix做熔断降级,也必然会用到@HystrixCommand注解,@HystrixCommand注解可以配置的除了常用的groupKey.commandKey.fallbackMethod等,还有一个很关键的就是threadPoolKey,就是使用Hystrix线程隔离策略时的线程池Key /** * This annotation used to specify some methods which shou
http://www.mchange.com/projects/c3p0/ c3p0的配置参数preferredTestQuery用于检测数据库连接测试,检测数据库是否能连接成功. Default: null Defines the query that will be executed for all connection tests, if the default ConnectionTester (or some other implementation of QueryConnectio
DECLARE CURSOR tab_name_cur IS SELECT table_name FROM user_tables WHERE table_name LIKE 'GZD_GZDXX_%_2017'; tab_name_rec tab_name_cur%ROWTYPE ; SQL_Str_Create VARCHAR2(2500); SQL