转自unity圣典: http://game.ceeger.com/Manual/ProfilerWindow.html http://game.ceeger.com/Manual/Profiler.html 分析器窗口 Profiler window Date:2013-07-01 13:44 Attaching to Unity players 附加到Unity播放器 To profile your game running on an other device or a player
<>关键性指标1.IOPS(Input/Output operations Per Second)每秒处理的I/O请求次数:需要说明的一点,通常提到磁盘读写能力,比如形容它每秒读300M写200M这个说的是数据吞吐量(I/O能力的另一个关键指标),但是IOPS指的不是数据吞吐量,它指的是每秒能够处理的I/O请求次数.什么是一次I/O请求呢?举个例子:读写100M的文件就是一次I/O请求,写入1B的数据也是一次I/O请求.IOPS指标越高,那么单位时间内能够响应的请求自然也就越多.从理论上来讲,
Understanding the managed heap Another common problem faced by many Unity developers is the unexpected expansion of the managed heap. In Unity, the managed heap expands much more readily than it shrinks. Furthermore, Unity’s garbage collection stra
解析sql执行过程 show VARIABLES like '%profil%' //查看是否开启了剖析 如没开启set profiling=1; 启用 show profiles; set @query_id=37; //sql_id select STATE,sum(duration) as Total_R,ROUND(100*SUM(DURATION)/(SELECT SUM(DURATION) FROM INFORMATiON_SCHEMA.PROFILING WHERE QUERY_I
Machine and Deep Learning with Python Education Tutorials and courses Supervised learning superstitions cheat sheet Introduction to Deep Learning with Python How to implement a neural network How to build and run your first deep learning network Neur
24.18 The INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROFILING Table PROFILING表提供了语句分析信息. 其内容对应于SHOW PROFILES和SHOW PROFILE语句生成的信息. INFORMATION_SCHEMA Name SHOW Name Notes QUERY_ID Query_ID 标识 SEQ 具有相同QUERY_ID值的行的显示顺序的序列号 STATE Status 行测量适用的分析状态 DURATION Duration 在给定状态下,多长时间
报错如下:[Err] 1055 - Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'information_schema.PROFILING.SEQ' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=on
已经成为DL中专门的一派,高大上的样子 Intro: MIT 6.S191 Lecture 6: Deep Reinforcement Learning Course: CS 294: Deep Reinforcement Learning Jan 18: Introduction and course overview (Levine, Finn, Schulman) Slides: Levine Slides: Finn Slides: Schulman Video Why deep rei
keras 自适应分配显存 & 清理不用的变量释放 GPU 显存 Intro Are you running out of GPU memory when using keras or tensorflow deep learning models, but only some of the time? Are you curious about exactly how much GPU memory your tensorflow model uses during training? Are
Deep Learning 教程翻译 非常激动地宣告,Stanford 教授 Andrew Ng 的 Deep Learning 教程,于今日,2013年4月8日,全部翻译成中文.这是中国屌丝军团,从2月20日战役打响之日,经过 50 天的团结奋战,取得的全面彻底的胜利. 此次战役的巨大胜利,之所以令人激动,有三方面的原因. 1. 在 Stanford 网站这个规模不算大,但是行业影响可观的舞台上,彰显了中国屌丝们,旺盛的求战热情,迅猛顽强的战斗作风,训练有素的战术技能. 2. 在
26 THINGS I LEARNED IN THE DEEP LEARNING SUMMER SCHOOL In the beginning of August I got the chance to attend the Deep Learning Summer School in Montreal. It consisted of 10 days of talks from some of the most well-known neural network researchers. Du
最近ISSCC2017大会刚刚举行,看了关于Deep Learning处理器的Session 14,有一些不错的东西,在这里记录一下. A 2.9TOPS/W Deep Convolutional Neural Network SoC in FD-SOI 28nm for Intelligent Embedded Systems 单位:STMicroelectronics(意法半导体) 这是一篇很综合芯片SOC设计,总体架构如下: 本文采用的DSP簇作为加速阵列,包含8个DSP簇,每簇内含2个3