The special operator defined is used in #if and #elif expressions to test whether a certain name is defined as a macro. defined name and defined (name) are both expressions whose value is 1 if name is defined as a macro at the current point in the pr
今日在看一个第三方代码时看到了#define for if(false);else for 这样的一种定义,不明白这样用法的目的,于是查了一下. 这是一个兼容vc6.0的用法,csdn上有这个问题的回答 因为自从毕业以后就几乎没接触过vc6了,还真不知道有这么一回事,vc6中 for表达式的作用域居然违背了c++标准. 如: for (int i = 0 ; i < 5; i++) { cout << i; } i =