你如果只针对表进行删除,则一样. 但是如果需要联合其他表,则需要使用from 例如 delete tb1 from tb1 m where id in (select id from tb2) 我的习惯是一般都按标准方式来,不省略from之类的东西,写全了肯定不会出错,也不用关心那些区别,工作量也不至于因为多写几个单词增加多少.
浅谈 C++ 中的 new/delete 和 new[]/delete[] 在 C++ 中,你也许经常使用 new 和 delete 来动态申请和释放内存,但你可曾想过以下问题呢? new 和 delete 是函数吗? new [] 和 delete [] 又是什么?什么时候用它们? 你知道 operator new 和 operator delete 吗? 为什么 new [] 出来的数组有时可以用 delete 释放有时又不行? - 如果你对这些问题都有疑问的话,不妨看看我这篇文章. n
new[]/delete[]与new/delete完全不同-动态对象数组创建通过new[] 完成-动态对象数组的销毁通过delete[]完成-new[]/delete[]能够被重载,进而改变内存管理方式 new[]/delete[]的重载方式 //static member function void* operator new[](unsigned int size) { return malloc(size); } //static member function void operator
oracle官方文档提示:If you had specified DELETE INPUT rather than DELETE ALL INPUT, then RMAN would have only deleted the specific archived redo log files that it backed up. For example, RMAN would delete the logs in /arc_dest1 if these files were used as t
"sc.exe" can also be used to create and delete services. If you want to create a new service, you can use the "create" commanded offered by the sc.exe tool. Before running this command, you need to prepre the following minimum informat