Linux Essentials for Delphi Developers There is currently no way using Delphi to target Linux. Long ago there was a thing called Kylix that worked on one version of RedHat Linux, barely, back in the 1990s. But in the Community road-map, targeting a
剪切bmp:效果为指定的rect大小,若图片比rect小,则会放大. 都要uses Vcl.Imaging.jpeg; 需要注意的是FMX里也需要jpeg的支持,虽然没引用编译器不会报错,但用到jpg时会报内存错误. procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Bitmap: TBitmap; MyRect1, MyOther: TRect; begin if self.OpenDialog1.Execute then begin My
近日,由于业务需要导出sql server 数据到DBF文件,要查询多表记录,并适当处理后生成导出DBF文件,系统使用delphi2010平台开发. 首先按要求在VFP里创建DBF表,字段数有240个,作为样表,导出时取样表通过文件流拷贝一个新表,并按要求规则命名,拷贝一份新表使用: procedure copyfile(sfile,tfile:String); var f1,f2: tfilestream ; begin f1:=Tfilestream.Create(sfile,fmopenr
Shift 是一个集合变量. type TShiftState = set of (ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft, ssRight, ssMiddle, ssDouble); 也就是说TShiftstate类型有ssShift, ssAlt, ssCtrl, ssLeft(鼠标左键), ssRight(鼠标右键), ssMiddle(鼠标中键), ssDouble (鼠标双击) Value Meaning ssShift The Shift key is held