FindFirst 是用来寻找目标目录下的第一个文件, FindFirst函数在delphi帮助下的定义: function FindFirst(const Path: string; Attr: Integer; var F: TSearchRec): Integer; 其中有一句:FindFirst returns 0 if a file was successfully located 也就是说,当成功找到文件时,返回0. FindNext 则是寻找下一个TSearchRec 是一个
1. 提取字符串中指定子字符串前的字符串 Function Before( Src:string ; S:string ): string ; Var F: Word ; begin F:= POS(Src,S) ; if F=0 then Before := S else Before := COPY(S,1,F-1) ; end ; eg: Before('123','helloworld_123') 返回结果:helloworld_ 2.
if CDSUserFunc.Locate('mod_id;res_id', VarArrayOf([UserFunc.MOD_ID, UserFunc.RES_ID]), [loCaseInsensitive]) then begin CDSUserFunc.Delete; end; if not CDS_UserDict.Locate('DICT_ID', strDictId, [loCaseInsensitive]) then begin
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var R: Variant; begin R := MemTableEh1.Lookup('Name',Edit1.Text,'Name'); if not VarIsNull(R) then ShowMessage(R); end;
详细看demo25的代码 These techniques are demonstrated in Demo25 in the examples folder of your Python for Delphi distribution. The old vs. the new ways. Because Delphi 6 has custom variants, they can point to specific smart proxies for python objects. Befo
//需要引用tlhelp32单元//查找进程function findProcessId(pname:string):Cardinal; var hsnapshot:THandle; lpe:TProcessEntry32; found:Boolean; begin Result:=; if pname<>'' then begin hsnapshot:=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,); try lpe.dwSize := SizeO