delphi xe7 中对数组操作做了很多扩充,比如加入了类似字符串处理的功能. 例如,数组相加 var A: array of integer; B: TBytes = [1,2,3,4]; //Initialization can be done from declaration begin ... A:=[1,2,3]; // assignation using constant array A:=A+[4,5]; // addition - A will become [1,2,3,4,
//delphi 7 Delphi汉字简繁体转换代码unit ChineseCharactersConvert; interface uses Classes, Windows; type TGBBIG5Convert = class(TObject) public class function BIG5ToGB(BIG5Str : String): AnsiString; class function GBToBIG5(GBStr : String): AnsiSt
//判断字符是否是汉字 function IsHZ(ch: WideChar): boolean; var i:integer; begin i:=ord(ch); if( i<19968) or (i>40869) then result:=false else result:=true; end; //判断字符是否是汉字 function IsHZ(ch: WideChar): boolean; var i:integer; begin i:=ord(ch); if( i<19968
------------------------------------------------------- ◇删掉程序自己的exe文件 procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); var F:TextFile; begin AssignFile(F,'delself.bat'); Rewrite(F);{F为TextFile类型} WriteLn(F,'del '+ExtractFileName