在JS中,Object和Property的删除用法: var myObject = {name:'jimmy', age:12, height:123} delete myObject["jimmy"]; delete myObject.age; with (myObject) { delete height; } // and an object var myObject = new Object(); delete myObject; var myObj2 = {}; myObj2
http://anony3721.blog.163.com/blog/static/51197420107105132120/?ignoreua Property Keyword Defines controlled access to class fields System unit ?.Property Name : Type read Getter|nodefault; ?.Property Name : Type write Setter; ?.Property Name : Type
if not Assigned(Modeless) then Assigned()什么意思! assigned 是用来判断某一指针(pointer)或过程引用是否为nil(空),如果为空则返回假(false). 用法示例(防止窗体被实例化多次): unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type
原型 function paramstr(i:index):string 对于任何application paramstr(0)都默认代表的是应用程序的绝对路径.那么有paramstr(0),就肯定有paramstr(1),paramstr(2)...了.它们的值又是什么了?我试了下取出的是空值,又不能赋值. delphi帮助中说Returns a specified parameter from the command-line.从命令行中返回
原型 function paramstr(i:index):string 对于任何application paramstr(0)都默认代表的是应用程序的绝对路径.那么有paramstr(0),就肯定有paramstr(1),paramstr(2)...了.它们的值又是什么了?我试了下取出的是空值,又不能赋值. delphi帮助中说Returns a specified parameter from the command-line.从
Help里的解释 function Locate(const KeyFields: String; const KeyValues: Variant; Options: TLocateOptions): Boolean; KeyFields: is a string containing a semicolon-delimited list of field names on which to search. KeyValues: is a variant array containing th