//点击不同按钮生成不同页面加载到某个panel上面.procedure TMainForm.DemoButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var NewDemoClass: TFormClass; // TFormClass = class of TForm; 涉及到类的类 知识点: NewDemoClass表示为窗体类的类,有待考证 NewDemo: TForm; begin case (Sender as TSpeedButton).Tag of 0: NewDemo
在Delphi中WaitForMultipleObjects的使用 procedure ThreadTest;stdcall; var Handles:TWOHandleArray; //Handle:THandle; Test:TTest; i:Integer; begin for i := 0 to 10 do begin Test := TTest.Create(False); Handles[i] := Test.Handle; end; WaitForMultipleObjects
<wxPython in Action>chap 9 笔记 1. Modal Dialog(模式对话框) A modal dialog blocks other widgets from receiving user events until it is closed; in other words, it places the user in dialog mode for the duration of its existence. 模式对话框阻塞了别的窗口部件接收用户事件,直到该模式对话